Trial SPM

12 September 2011

okayy guess..berckp psal exam ni , ak yakin most of u all mmg tak sukew ngn exam . Btol x? Like me too.. huhu. Ye lhaa , kalo aku tnyer mmber2 ak , most of u all confirm akn kte xnak buad exam. Ad yang antre dorang kate ' ak hrap sgt kalo exm ni xder. Buad ak tension jer' . Yerpp , thats rightt , mmg exam ni bg kte sume tension. Tension cbb kte bace last2 minute. Especially pd orng yg mlas nk bace buku. hehe, cm ak arr. Bab mmbace ni mmg ak mals, asal ak bace jer..separuh jalan dh terlentok. Hee. Susah doe nak elakkan rase ngantok . Tambah2 pulak time bace sejarah. Perghh~ nak kene ingat tempat2 bersejarahnyer , sumbangannyer lhaa. Mmg ak xsuke lhaa... thats why lhaa ak kerap dpt lulus jer exm sejarah. *oppss , t'bgitau korang pulakk. Malunyer ak...huuu. xper2 , usaha tu tangga kejayaan. Kalo kte berusaha , confirm dptnyer.

Hm , okayy , about trial spm yang tgah ak lalui skrg ni. Not bad lhaa. But bestist ak ckp susah pulak. Cam mne uh? hm , xper lhaa , pndapat masing2. Alhamdulilah lhaa setakat ni ak jwb soalan , xder yang tertinggl. Wee, rase sronok lhaa plak. hehe. Mane idaknyer , sblm ni asyik ak jwb soaln exam jer , mest ad yang tinggl but kali ni ak decide , ak xnak tingglkan soaln..*semangat.huhu..Kalo xthu jgk , hentam jer. *bak kate abg ak. Mane le thu kot2 betol ker. ngee.

  0kayy , about subjek yg plingg ak sukew. My favourite subject is mathematics. Yeahh..I lurve it lol. Huhu. Ak sndiri pon xthu nape ak sukew sgt math. Maybe cbb papa ak kott. Hehe. Mama ak ad ckp , papa ak ni mmg terror dlm maths. Hm, mane idaknyer..smpai papa ak sndiri yng ajar ckgu dyer balik. Huh! Bangge ak.. hee~ I'm proud of you papa.. <3 Ilysm..nyway skrng dyer dah xder lagi. *sedih. Suda2 , mlas ak nak ckp pasal ni , nnt hujan kang susah. Sape yang nk payungkan. Huhu. Hm, okayy lhaa guess , thats all for today. Hope korng enjoy bace wall post ak ni. Kalo xsukew, suda! leh g maen jaoh2. Bubbye  ^^

p/s: Good Luck for Students Form 5 & Form 3 SMK Tasek Damai in ur SPM vs PMR. Hope get the best results.